The Story of Missing Locking Wire…

Failure to properly secure aircraft components can compromise powerplant and control system operation, leading to system and component failures. Properly secure aircraft components with safety wire, ensure that hardware locking mechanisms are properly installed on your aircraft, and check them often to confirm they are taut and ready for flight

Distractions in Cockpit

The airlines make a conscious effort to expose its flight crew to the potential hazards of distractions. Strict adherence to the ‘Sterile Cockpit Rule’ is implemented. Cabin crew and ground staff are trained and instructed to refrain from interrupting the cockpit crew while they’re in the midst of a briefing or entering critical flight data into the FMS, including computation of takeoff speeds. Strict adherence to SOP is mandated and checklist discipline is reinforced during line and simulator training. The key here is for every company to “educate” it’s staff with regards to the challenge that is posed by distraction, affecting the safety of the flight.