Simple Ways an Individual can Act to Combat Environmental Changes.

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World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 05 June and is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment. It was first held in 1973 and it has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime. World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually. Each year, the program has provided a theme and forum for businesses, non government organizations, communities, governments and celebrities to advocate environmental causes.

Today we do not need to ask if climate change is happening or if it is caused by human activity. Instead we need to ask: “what can I do?” Social scientists have found that when one person makes a sustainability-oriented decision, other people do too. Social scientists believe this occurs because we constantly evaluate what our peers are doing and we adjust our beliefs and actions accordingly. When people see their neighbours taking environmental action, like conserving energy, they infer that people like them also value sustainability and feel more compelled to act.

I am putting forward some simple suggestions and steps because they’re just plain nice, planet- friendly things to do. I am advocating them, and implementing them myself, because it actually is up to us to either resign ourselves to the end of life on Earth at the end of this century or see to it that we have many more centuries to enjoy and appreciate this beautiful home.

  • Going car Free. This is the single loudest action which will reduce our dependence on fossil fuel as well as reduce biggest chunk of individual’s contribution to Green House Gases. I am sure it is not easy. But take simple steps in beginning like using public transport once and month and gradually increasing it to once a week then to twice a week. Another choice is switching to more efficient mode of transportation like electric vehicles or bicycles.
  • Going Vegetarian. You will be surprised. After fossil fuel, meat and dairy industry is the largest contributor and individual can make big contribution towards health of this planet. You do not have to go vegetarian, but by just reducing 50% intake of animal based protein can significantly reduce carbon foot print by 40%. So start by eating a complete vegetarian food at least twice a week.
  • Shop Differently. That’s because everything that we buy has a carbon foot print either in the way it is produced or transported. Buy things which are locally grown and is seasonal. Simple and has long term positive effects on health and local economy.
  • Use only recycled paper. Why? Because it saves the flora and fauna and improves diversity.
  • Turn OFF your Electronic Gadgets. Turn your electronic gadgets off rather than letting it “sleep,” and unplug electronics when you’re not using them. Why? Because it will save electricity and power bill and ultimately consumption of fossil fuel.
  • Save Water, Save Life. Simply reduce the duration of your showers by two to three minutes and reduce the pressure or switch to low flow rate to save water. Every drop counts.
  • Small Changes. Small changes like these will create big effects. Set your air-conditioner thermostat just two degrees warmer in the summer. Set your water heater to 55 deg C and have the pipes insulated. Change to compact fluorescent bulbs. Change your heating and air-conditioning filters, or clean them, as often as recommended. Switch to glass cups and mugs for your regular coffee or tea at work place. Carry a cloth shopping bag whenever you go for shopping. Refuse carry bags or onetime plastic bags. This will further eliminate solid waste and contribute to cleanliness and health.
  • Compost kitchen waste. Put your waste to work and reduce landfill by composting kitchen waste. It is simple, easy and effective.

We have created many of the present day problems related to environment and sustainability. While we do all we can, let’s pray that it is not already too late or too less.

If you have taken any such steps to reduce impact on environment, I would like to hear from you. Thanks.

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