Sources of Indian Law

The law and the system through which it operates has developed over many centuries into the present, combination of statutes, judicial decisions, customs, and conventions. These sources fall under two heads: Principal/Primary sources of Indian Law, and Secondary sources of Indian Law.

Ram Navami

राम जिनका नाम है,अयोध्या जिनका धाम है,ऐसे रघुनंदन को,हमारा प्रणाम है, जिनके मन में श्री राम है,भाग्य में उसके वैकुण्ठ धाम है,उनके चरणो में जिसने जीवन वार दिया,संसार में उसका कल्याण है, रामजी की ज्योति से नूर मिलता है,सबके दिलो को सुरुर मिलता है, जो भी जाता है रामजी के द्वार,कुछ न कुछ जरुर मिलता है *आपको और आपके परिवार को, राम नवमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये।* रामनवमी का त्यौहार चैत्र मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की नवमी को मनाया जाता है।हिंदू धर्मशास्त्रों के अनुसार इस दिन मर्यादा-पुरूषोत्तम भगवान श्री राम जी का जन्म हुआ था।ऐंसी मान्यता है कि इस दिन…

Unfurling or Hoisting?

Even after having spent close to half of my lifetime in armed forces, I didn’t know on 26 th January the national flag is unfurled, while on 15 th August it is hoisted till a close friend yesterday enlightened me about this basic fact ! The logic behind this is that on 15th August the flag is tied to the bottom of the pole, it is lifted up to the top and then hoisted.To symbolise the struggle for independence while lifting it up the pole and then celebrating independence by hoisting…

What is Love?

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations, largely pushed by commercial interests, honoring family members, such as Father’s Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents’ Day.

World Pilots day

Dear Pilots, Thank you to all those who make aviation a reality. Without your skills and dedication, the world would be a hard place to travel and explore. Pilots of the world are truly people worth looking up to. And on this day I thank you for your dedication and hard work thousands of feet above the rest of us. Blue skies and Happy World Pilots Day.