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That crucial 15 minutes before a VIVA can become the longest 15 minutes in an aspiring ATPL seeker’s life. What are you doing in those last few moments before you go into high stake Viva? Most people are getting just nervous or more nervous. They are thinking about all the things that can go wrong and all the ways in which they might screw up. They are worried about being judged by others and found lacking. In other words they are sabotaging themselves. Not many professionals are able to collect their thoughts, energy and focus for what lies ahead. There is a better way to spend these moments. Here are a few things you can do to make the most of the moments and redeem your success. 

#1 Arrive early

Running late to Viva will only add more stress to the situation – make it a point to arrive early. Before Viva you will have to go through arrival formality (security) and then wait for your turn.

#2 Stay calm

We all react differently to stress, but one thing is certain – stress doesn’t make it easier to show the best side of one’s professional image. Keep your mind clear and in the minutes leading to the interview stay calm and collected. This will help you to remain focused during the viva – listening better to the examiner will in turn allow you to respond with clearer answers. You’ll get a sense of what’s important to them and adjust your response to these requirements.

#3 Stop rehearsing your answers

This is the best tip. Trust yourself to remember the answers and allow the viva to take a flow of its own.

#4 Close your eyes and ears

For a few moments just close your eyes and stop listening to what others are asking or replying. Focus on a few topics which you studied and just go over your strategy for viva.

#5 Assume a power pose

Sitting down while waiting for the Viva, you should assume a power pose. You’ll not only come off as more confident and poised but also gain an internal sense of confidence. Check out this viral TED talk by Amy Cuddy and you’ll see how body language impacts how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves.

#6 Don’t check your email or social media

Even if it seems the best way to kill time, but we suggest you keep your mobile away as this is the most important moment in your career. Social Media might distract you and you will lose your concentration. And that’s clearly one of the worst things that can happen just before the viva, where you are required to be focused and present.

#7 Breathe

Focus on your breathing and count them until you reach 10. Then repeat this exercise. This is easily one of the most immediate techniques to calm your nerves and help you to become more collected in a matter of minutes. Take a breath and relax – you’re there because you have it and you will do it. Breathing in this manner will calm you down.

#8 Essentials 

Keep your admit card, photo identity, writing material and specs with you. Once you enter the room smile and look as eager as you can. Make positive eye contact with your examiners.

All the best. You can do it.

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