The lockdowns and the restrictions imposed after the lockdowns have not only changed the life of every person of India but of everyone across the planet. Many jobs have been lost, many businesses shut, many starved, new kinds of businesses bloomed and some people were happy to work from home. This article is not about the few happy women who, for the first time, got the opportunity of working from home. Nor of the those who’s husbands contributed to the multiple home chores while they worked from home. It is about most females (adult and children) who faced the ill-effects this pandemic brought about. Their support system had also died down or got weakened. It is much later that the plight of such females came to light. Their problems couldn’t be quantified. It is only now that their voices are being heard and people like the Nobel Laureate, Nadia Murad have brought out the miseries of females living in confined conditions. A UN expert has said that the pandemic has brought 47 million more people into extreme poverty and their females are in high risk of trafficking.
Females of all ages were affected, the unborn and the very old.
- Foetus and infants. Abortions of female foetuses at homes went unreported. Facilities of anesthesiologist were limited as they were managing the critical ICUs of Corona cases. Home deliveries increased and it became easier to kill and bury the unwanted female newborns as their neighbours remained confined to their homes.
- Children. Many children were badly affected. Their schools were shut and parents rendered jobless. These stay at home parents were frustrated and highly irritable. It resulted in:
- Domestic violence. Brunt in the family was faced by the female child.
- Increased deployment in household chores instead of studies.
- Poor nourishment. Some girls were dependent on the mid-day which was wholesome and filling. Other families had little money to cook three meals a day. As usual, the mother and daughter had to make do with leftovers.
- Education. Though children from all over the world have suffered in their studies the Indian girl child continues to have most losses. Majority of the middle-class girls and almost all girls from poor families did not own smartphones, i-pads or computers. Lower pay or loss of jobs of parents meant that a smartphone was a luxury. Added problems were no or slow internet services in hinterlands. Hence, their one academic year appears to have been lost.
- Trafficking and sexual violence. As over 50% of the sexual assault are perpetrated by close family members or family friends, the confined environment of the lockdowns/curfews made them much more vulnerable. Helplines either didn’t function or were helpless in providing police protection. The traffickers were quite active in this period as policemen were hard-pressed in ensuring containment zones security and catching mask offenders.

- Women. The adult women faced some new problems and challenges during the Pandemic:
- Job losses. Women were the first to be retrenched, especially daily wagers.
- Migration. Amongst the daily wagers who marched home, a large number were women, many with a small child. They were physically unfit to walk such long distances. Others were harassed at night stays and lack of toilets added to the misery.
- Malnourishment. They continue to be satisfied with whatever food is available due to financial constraints.
- Marital rape. This happened in nuclear families where some men had nothing to do the whole day and took out their sexual energy on their wives.
- Pregnancy and delivery were a big challenge. Prenatal care went missing. Asha workers were busy tracing contacts or even collecting swabs of corona suspects. High-risk pregnancy cases had difficulties due to the unavailability of doctors who were diverted to corona duties. Hospital deliveries became expensive due to additional costs of corona testing and PPE kit purchasing.
The United Nations annual campaign, ‘Orange the World’ started from the 25th November to 10th December in order to highlight the challenges faced by females across the world. The theme this year is, ‘Elimination of violence against women’. In India, the iconic Gateway of India at Mumbai is lit up and activism to attain the goals are being conducted.

Peace at home is an important message for these times but so much more can be done. Some actions are mandatory to Prevent, respond and secure.
- Helplines. These shouldn’t stop, no matter what happens. They save lives.
- Shelters. Victims of abuse need a shelter with visiting doctors and counsellors.
- Law. The police and the judiciary need to be empathetic towards the victims of violence, rape and trafficking.
- Data shows the magnitude of the problem and how much more needs to be done.
- Listen to and believe the victims.
- Understand their silence by observing signs of abuse.
- Starting a conversation by indirect means.
- Understanding consent of females. NO or SILENCE DOESN’T MEAN CONSENT.
- Bollywood needs to change.
- Call for a response from like-minded people of the neighbourhood.
- Hold the people responsible.
- Stand against eve-teasing and rape culture.
- If junior police officials don’t help, approach senior police officers/ lawyers.
- An excellent idea is to start neighbourhood WhatsApp groups. It is a way to prevent instances and to respond as a group. Such actions instil fear in the minds of perpetrators.
- Finance. Financing organisations dealing with women’s empowerment as much as we can. Those who are employers shouldn’t retrench women employees. Governments must ensure the availability of smartphones to girl students of post-primary classes.
Those lucky few women who survived the corona crises with understanding parents, husbands and children need to think about the vast majority who continue to suffer. They need a helping hand………. Perhaps, Yours.

Maj Gen Krishan Chauhan is a second-generation army officer. He studied in Sainik School Kapurthala, graduated from IG Medical College, Shimla and did his MD from AFMC/Pune University. He has served in the Army Medical Corps for 36 years and retired as the Addl DGMS army. He is an avid marathon runner and a writer. He first wrote articles for children in The Young Chronicles. Later, he started writing his own blog as Genkris, on WordPress where over 25 articles on various subjects can be accessed.