If you spend less than what you make then you are wise. But if you spend as per a financial plan and strategy then you will have the financial freedom to make life choices that lead to happiness backed by a comfortable saving cushion. This makes you wealthy
Year: 2020
Types of Webinar: Part 2
Web conferencing is used as an umbrella term for various types of online conferencing and collaborative services including webinars, webcasts, and web meetings.
Why, How, and When of a Webinar: Part 1
Web conferencing is used as an umbrella term for various types of online conferencing and collaborative services including webinars, webcasts, and web meetings.
Minimum Equipment List
A minimum equipment list (MEL) is a list which provides for the operation of aircraft, subject to specified conditions, with particular equipment inoperative (which is) prepared by an operator in conformity with, or more restrictive than, the MMEL established for the aircraft type.
Smoke Screen
Bad habits are like comfortable bed, easy to get in difficult to get out of. It is easier to prevent than to get out of bad habit. And if you have one, it is easier to abandon one toady than tomorrow.
The Story of Missing Locking Wire…
Failure to properly secure aircraft components can compromise powerplant and control system operation, leading to system and component failures. Properly secure aircraft components with safety wire, ensure that hardware locking mechanisms are properly installed on your aircraft, and check them often to confirm they are taut and ready for flight
Longest 60 seconds
Engine flameout on a single-engine jet. Read to find out what happens next.
The Way I Look At It!
This is a personal account or a narrative written by a mother. It recounts how motherhood is exhausting, inspiring, soul-sucking and purpose-giving. It makes you question everything, while also feeling like you know it all.
India 2.0
Let us recollect our past, origin, greatness, and glory and through this recollection find the strength which is inherent in it which can not be lost. We must look ‘with in’.
Lockdown Day #59
what will the world look like once lockdown is lifted?