You can extend the outbound leg of a holding pattern as an alternative procedure when the inbound track of a hold is the same as the nondirectional beacon (NDB) or instrument landing system (ILS) approach and the procedure is published as such.
1. The outbound leg of the hold can be extended to a predetermined distance or time.
Note: Maintain the track by using twice the drift for 1 minute and 30 seconds and then by single drift if required. At the end of the outbound leg, the QDM should be approximately +/-15 degrees from the inbound axis.
2. Descend on the outbound leg as per the procedure.
3. Commence a rate 1 turn onto the final approach track.
Be prepared during an interview for the fact that you may be given some practical IFR questions; e.g., "If you are flying a heading of 076 degrees to track 088 degrees, what heading is required to maintain the reciprocal track" The only way to prepare for these questions is to be fully conversant with instrument flight rules and procedures. |